Thursday, February 26, 2009

A bit lean

My last changes shows that I'm running abit lean:

So, I'm going to richen up the areas which my logs shows that I am running too lean:
(I'm aiming to hit about 12 - 12.3 AFR)



Monday, February 16, 2009

Rescale my Timing Table

Here's how I rescale my timing table in Excel:

My original Timing tables:

My new Timing tables:

Let's see how this works out :-)

Day1 of Open Loop Rescale

Car feels quite good after rescaling of my open loop table. I'm going to do the same for my base timing table next.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Rescale my Fuel Table

Here's how I did the scaling via Excel:

My original Fuel Table:

My New Fuel Table: (I've richen up the higher end cells but the lower end cells will be running abit lean. I've also increased my rpm to 7800 to match increasing my rev limit).

Since I'll be running abit leaner, I'll need to do more logging to see how the car behaves.

Feedback after scaling 0.5

Well, today I drove quite abit to JB to test my rescaled map. (20090214_RescaleLoad.hex). It feels a bit down on power but there's no knock and no CEL errors about running lean.

I'm going to see if I have enough data to scale my higher end MAF and also give a try at rescaling my fueling and timing maps to cater for higher loads.

Here's my log analysis:

Friday, February 13, 2009

Going to rescale by 0.5

In my previous post on how I overcame the 300g/s limit, I rescaled by multiplying all instances of engine load by 0.7 (see here) But it's not enough.. so I'm going to rescale it by 0.5 this time around.

I'm going to use the map "20090130_300gAVCS-revlimit.hex" as my last map (the one after this) did not feel so good. This map runs kind of rich though but I'm going to re-tune fueling anyway.

I used Excel to copy the original values, rescale it and then paste it back to romraider:

And here's how it looks like (top - 0.5, middle 0.7, bottom - original):

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Hit MAFv of 4.72 !

I was just reviewing my last dyno pull and realised that I've hit my MAFv limit of 4.69. Looks like I have to rescale further. I've added some analysis of my own:

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Rescale my Fuel Table

I noticed that my g/rev load can hit > 2 (see below)

So I decided to rescale my open loop fueling:

My rescaling is based on increasing the differences slightly between cells:

Let's see how this goes :-)

Dynoed at 351bhp@6168rpm, 4502Nm@5502rpm

Here's my latest dyno runs. Both are quite close in figures except that the first graph is more smoother.