Sunday, November 9, 2008


Its been quite awhile since my last post. Sorry, I've been really swamped with work. Anyway, I have been tuning but just that I've not had enough time to post on the blog.

Since my last tuning update, I've realised that I can run more timing if I increased my tip-in enrichment. Since then I've been able to add more timing. Here's my latest timing table:

Here's my stock Throttle Tip-In Enrichment:

And here's my current Throttle Tip-In Enrichment:

I'm still trying to work this out. But one thing I've learned today is not to change Minimum Tip-In Enrichment Activation:

My car got so jerky, especially between 2000 and 3500 rpm that it feels like I am stuck in first gear (Stock 1.6):

I'm going to set it back to stock.. hopefully my car still runs fine.

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