Sunday, August 17, 2008

Going Lean #4

My last changes (Going Lean #3) actually made things worse. Frustrated, I started from scratch again.

This time

1. Increment (Coarse) Value in the range below by 3X

2. Increment (Fine) Value in the range below by 6x

3. Increment (Fine) Value in the range below by 2x

The ROM is: 20080816_lean.hex

4. After doing some logging, the following point had a knock:

5. So I changed the area (denoted by the log) by Decrement (Fine) Value by 1x

The ROM is: 20080816_lean2.hex

6. I did more logging using mickey's timing spreadsheet and the following areas had knock:

7. So I Decrement (Fine) Value by 1x in the following cells as pointed out by the spreadsheet:

8. I noted that at 800rpm, sometimes my rpm drops quite low. I tried this change:

The ROM is: 20080816_lean3.hex

That's all for now.

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