Monday, April 21, 2008

Back to Closed Loop MAF Scaling again?

In my last post, I described how I tried to do MAF Scaling for idling and how bad it turned out. But I also did mentioned that something good came out of it as I somehow hit a sweet spot around the MAFv 1.3 region. I used that value and applied it to my MAF table BEFORE I made any changes to for idling. This is now rev5 of my closed loop MAF scaling:

Here are the charts:
Total Corr vs MAFv

Isn't this graph sweet? I mean you can see things have smoothen out over a wider range. I'm so happy to see this!

MAF Check2

Scatter Plot of Total Corr vs MAFv

The scatter plot shows how evenly distributed the data points are. Another nice graph.

Injector Scaling

Here's a screenshot of Learning View for this MAF table. Looks good too, right ;-)

Ok, that's it. I'm done with closed loop MAF Scaling. Off to Open loop now. :-)

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