Wednesday, April 23, 2008

I've been Whitelined!

Great news, my Whiteline Anti Lift Kit is finally here! I ordered it in Nov 07 and it has finally arrived. Actually, I bought a bunch of other stuffs:

KCA359M Anti-lift/caster kit RACE MOTORSPORT - $480
KCA313 Roll Centre Adjust - $340
KSR202 H/duty steer rack mounts - 30mm wide bracket $65.00
W0584M Heavy duty gearbox mnts-RACE $80

The other items arrived in Dec07 (have not installed them yet). Anyway, here are some photos of them:

All the Whiteline items

This is the Anti Lift Kit. A fren told me that he could corner at high speed with this and not feel anything.. I wonder how true that is :-)

The Roll Centre Adjust (RCA).

The steering rack mounts - the guy who did my alignment told me that it's worn (probably from the car where I got the close steering rack from).

My gear box mounts - hopefully this will help my gear syncro issues.

Will update when I get them installed.

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