Saturday, May 31, 2008

Results of my first WOT logs at 1.7 bar

After having a good night's sleep, I analysed my 3rd gear WOT logs from last night. It seems to look good to me. Here's the final corrections based on Rene's Spreadsheet:

Again we ignore values < 3.01 (see the area within red box). As you can see, the corrections goes to a max of +3.55% at 3.95v. I think we can assume the 11.5% correction at 3.01v as that is where the AFR target is going from 12.8 to 10.51 - i.e. it takes a while to make that target.

Look at the AFR interpolate graph on Airboy's spreadsheet for one of my runs. The graph line looks pretty smooth as well. So, I guess I am almost there.

The above screenshot is from the section on AFR target from Airboy's spreadsheet showing my current map. (see the graph which is similar to the one on the AFR Interpolate section).

Now, look at the MAF scaling corrections from the first screenshot. It shows that 4.57v, my g/s is 306.57 - that means, I've already hit my threshold limit of 300g/s of my 16-bit ECU.

I'm going to email Rene with my findings as see what he has to say. Feeling quite satisfied! :-)

P0244 CEL

Ok, I just did about 20 WOT 3rd gear pulls using ROM "20080530_OL9b.hex". On 2 of the runs, I got a P0244 CEL which basically means 'Turbo Wategate solenoid "A" range/performance high'. Actually one of the P0244 CEL came on when I did a 4th gear pull.

I've done a search on the romraider forumand some says this is a sign of boost creep. Could that be what is happening here? But why does it happen on only 2 of the runs? My boost controller didn't show that the boost hit more than 1.7 bar..(or maybe I didn't notice but the max boost shown on the boost controller does not indicate that either).

Some points to note:
1. I'm running on 1.7 bar of boost (which is what my car was tuned for on ecutek before I switched to romraider).
2. I've NOT changed anything else in my map other than the MAF scaling table. (I've reverted to stock settings on my WGDC and my AFR target table is mentioned in my earlier post).

Sigh... I posted the question on the forum... I hope someone will help me out.

Moving to the next step

I've not flashed "20080530_OL9.hex" to my car yet but since the scaling results looks quite reliable, I'm going to move to the next step in my OL scaling. For those who have forgotten, the steps are:

1. Closed loop range between idle and 60 g/s.
2. Open loop low range using WBO2 and 5th gear logs with about 50% to 70% throttle and WGDC = 0.
3. Open loop middle range using WBO2 and 3rd gear WOT logs and WGDC = 0.
4. Open loop high range using WBO2 and 3rd gear WOT logs with normal WGDC and normal boost levels. For this, I change the arbitrary AFR target to 10.5 to be conservative since MAF is unknown.
5. Change AFR table back to real targets and then make fine adjustments to AFR targets to hit correct AFR based upon rpm and load. MAF scale is never perfect.
6. Do all of the above with one type of fuel.

I'm onto Step 4 now. I'm going to set my WGDC back to normal (see screenshots below):

This is WGDC = 0

This is Stock WGDC (what I am going to set)

I also changed my AFR target:
Here's what it was when i was performing Steps 2 and 3:

To be safer, I'm running it slightly richer:

This is based on advice from mickeyd2005:
"When you are doing WOT at maximum potential of the turbo, I like to target 10.5 as a start just in case there was a mistake.

For example, if you target 11 and you were 10% off then you would be at AFR 12 which might be dangerous.

For the mid-range, you can get away with being slightly leaner."

I've saved the rom as "20080530_OL9b.hex" and this will be what I am going to flash to my car.

Friday, May 30, 2008

MAF Scaling in Malacca

I mentioned in my earlier post that I had to my alignment as I was driving up to Malacca. Well, the trip also gave me the opportunity to do WOT MAF Scaling on the North South Highway.

I did 2 types of loggging:
1. Between 50%-70% throttle
2. At WOT

The results are shown below after I used Airboy's and Rene's spreadsheets:

The top 2 rows shows the MAFv and current g/s values. The first yellow line shows the corrections for the logs done at 50%-70% throttle. The second yellow line shows the corrections for logs done at WOT.

We are only interested in MAFv > 2.9 here. The biggest difference is for MAFv 3.01 where 50%-50% throttle value is 0.19% and WOT is 6.14%. I trust my WOT logs more as I have more data points than my 50%-70% throttle. Anyway, I guess WOT logs are more important anyway.

Since both set of logs show almost the same corrections, I am going to apply the changes from WOT logs.

MAFv: 3.01 3.12 3.24 3.36 3.48 3.59 3.71 3.83 3.95 4.06 4.18

g/s : 83.11 83.49 87.95 103.58 121.13 132.89 135.91 171.98 173.47 219.26 228.37

I named this ROM "20080530_OL9.hex" as this is my 9th revision for OL Scaling. I'm going to flash this to my car tomorrow! :-)

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

AWD Alignment

Finally managed to get my wheel alignment done last Saturday. Actually I had no choice as I was driving up to Malacca the following day for a relative's wedding. Since it was a long distance and my wife and son would be in the car, it's safer to get my wheel alignment done.

I base my settings on Turbo Magazine's AWD issue earlier this year which has an alignment guide for AWD cars. There are 3 settings:

1. Aggressive Street Driver
2. Weekend Warrior
3. Serious Autocrosser

I chose "Weekend Warrior" and here are my settings:

Camber Setting
Front: 2.5
Rear: 1.5

Toe Setting
Front 1/8 inches out (was later set to 1 degree by the mechanic)
Rear 0

Caster Setting

It took just over an hour for them to set everything up - much faster than I expected as normally they would take about 3 hrs. The mechanic said it's because I had changed the bushings for my steering rack, making it easier for them to get the settings right.

Now that the settings were done, my car has much better handling. All the squeaking and funny noises from the front wheels are gone now. However, I feel that the understeer is still abit too strong and my turn-in is still not as sharp as I would like.

My mechanice suggested increasing the tire pressures to reduce the front end grip. He suggested up to 280psi.. hmmm kind of high. Something to consider next. :-)

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

2.9Volts and Open Loop MAF Scaling

Oh Gosh.. I just realised that I should not change anything below 2.9Volts for Open Loop MAF Scaling.. What a blunder. Sigh..

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

5th/6th Gear Logs with 50%-70% throttle

I mentioned in an earlier post that I should have started my OL scaling with 5th/6th gear logs at 50-70% throttle. Well, I just started doing that last weekend.

Here are my results (Scaling7):

The top row is MAFv, the second row is the current g/s. The third row is correction and the fourth row is new g/s values.

I only applied the change for MAFv for 2.42 and 2.54 as I wanted to see how it affects the scaling.

Here's my subsequent run (Scaling8):

Well, it's quite disappointing as you can see:
13.61% to -4.18% for 2.42 (not too bad)
20.69% to -7.52% for 2.54 (hmm...)

Anyway, this time around, I've decided to apply all the changes because I believe due to interpolation, changing one value will affect the scaling for MAFv that are closeby.

Anyway, during my last run of logging, I've found that 50-70% throttle at 6th gear, the MAFv varies from about 2.03 to 3.01 so I'll just focus on this area. Analysing the logs, I've found that not all MAFv have sufficient data points:
2.03 - 9 data points
2.11 - 7 data points
2.19 - 31 data points
2.27 - > 50 data points
2.34 - > 60 data points
2.42 - > 70 data points
2.54 - > 80 data points
2.66 - > 80 data points
2.77 - > 90 data points
2.89 - > 100 data points
3.01 - > 60 data points
3.12 - 28 data points

Given the above data points for each MAFv, I've decided to apply the changes for 2.27 to 2.77. Note the more data points the higher the accuracy.

Let's see what the logs show after flashing this set of changes.

My first set of OL Scaling

Here's my first set of OL Scaling changes:

This was done in 3rd gear WOT with WGDC=0. Frankly speaking, I was really doing things in the dark here. Luckily, nothing catastrophic happened.

I sent some of my logs to Rene and here's what he replied:
>Hey Mas,
> I went through sheet and the one row that was
> throwing and error seemed as though it just didn't
> belong in there so i deleted the row. I then went
> through and and was looking at the corrections to
> the maf table and was suprised to see it was
> reducing the very upper portion of the table (4.18v
> and 4.30v) by as much as 51% so I went through the
> data and sorted the lc-1 column to find 32 rows of 0
> and 9 rows of 20.33. We I am logging with my
> wideband 20.33 only shows when I let off of the gas
> completely. I am not sure where your zeros are
> coming from but these data points will throw off the
> sheet and could make the tune run extremely
> dangerous.
> I am also seeing 7 rows of 7.35, do you actually see
> an afr of 7.35? I would consider moving these data
> points out as well as again they will likely throw
> off your scaling.
> One thing I may have forgotten to say when using
> Airboy's sheet is after you import the csv file make
> sure you click on "Filter (WOT Data Only)" to clean
> up the data before doing anything else in his sheet.
> I have attached the sheet I have been working with
> that has all your data in it.

Ok, here's what I've realised. In some runs, my exhaust clamp for my wideband actually came loose. When this happens, my wideband was reading incorrectly or was logging the value of 20.33. This is bad and I should never have included them into my set of log data.

I'm more discerning now. Before I import the data into Airboy's spreadsheet, I filtered out any data that read 20.33 or 0 (or any data that gives extreme values as Rene mentioned above).

Monday, May 12, 2008

First encounter with Open Loop MAF Scaling

Ok, it's actually been several weeks since I started on Open Loop MAF Scaling, so I thought it's time to give an update.

If you recall, I'm using mickeyd2005 to perform my MAF Scaling. His recommended steps are:
1. Closed loop range between idle and 60 g/s.
2. Open loop low range using WBO2 and 5th gear logs with about 50% to 70% throttle and WGDC = 0.
3. Open loop middle range using WBO2 and 3rd gear WOT logs and WGDC = 0.
4. Open loop high range using WBO2 and 3rd gear WOT logs with normal WGDC and normal boost levels. For this, I change the arbitrary AFR target to 10.5 to be conservative since MAF is unknown.
5. Change AFR table back to real targets and then make fine adjustments to AFR targets to hit correct AFR based upon rpm and load. MAF scale is never perfect.
6. Do all of the above with one type of fuel.

For the record, I'm doing all of the above using Shall VPower (Malaysia's version). I actually made a mistake and went ahead with Step 3 first. :-( So, now I'm back in Step2 (5th gear logs with 50%-70% throttle).

Note that the objective here is to scale the MAF using near steady state values.
When the MAF is changing rapidly, there are transient effects which aren't always captured due to the low sampling rate of the logger, so we minimize this by setting WGDC to zero.

For open loop fueling, my STFT will be zero and hopefully my LTFT will also be zero. I will need to scale my OL MAF table using my wideband 02 sensor LC-1/LM-1 plus Airboy's spreadsheet by just look at AFRs.

For the Steps 2 ( 5th gear logs with about 50% to 70% throttle and WGDC = 0.
)and 3 (3rd gear WOT logs and WGDC = 0), the following needs to be done first:

1. Fill up MAX WGDC table with zeros (see the screenshot of romraider below):

2. Since I'm runnning an external boost controller (Blitz SBC-ID), I will need to turn it off (luckily there is a setting for this).

For Steps 2&3, I'm scaling my mid-MAF scale. To scale my mid-maf scale I will want mid-value constant maf. In order to get lower maf, I need to lower boost. I can either reduce throttle or just cut boost. Cutting boost is the easiest since I can just do a WOT log with boost.

3. For open loop MAF scaling, it is easier to scale the low-range MAF (60-120 g/s) if the AFR target is lowered in the CL range to something less than 14.7.

Here's my stock AFR target (Primary Open Loop Fueling A)

And here's my simplified AFR target (Primary Open Loop Fueling A):

There's another AFR target table (Primary Open Loop Fueling B) that needs to be amended as well:

All the changes in the Open Loop fueling are also explained in mickeyd2005's thread, I'm repeating them here for my own records.

Now, once those changes are made, I flashed the changes using EcuFlash and start logging the following parameters together with my Innovate LM-1 (these are the same parameters that are used as inputs into Airboy's spreadsheet (see this link for more info on Airboy's spreadsheet)

A/F Sensor #1 (AFR)
Engine Load (Calculated) (g/rev)
Engine Speed (rpm)
Feedback Knock Correction* (degrees)
Fine Learning Knock Correction* (degrees)
IAM (Ignition Advance Multiplier)* (raw ecu value)
Ignition Timing (Total) (degrees)
Injector Duty Cycle (%) Intake Air Temperature (C)
Knock Correction Advance (degrees)
Manifold Relative Pressure (Corrected) (bar)
Mass Airflow Sensor Voltage (V)
Primary Wastegate Duty Cycle (%)
Target Boost* (bar absolute)
Throttle Opening Angle (%)
Vehicle Speed (kph)
LM-1 (AFR)

Next, start logging!!

Once I have a good set of logs, I choose "Import CSV file" into Airboy's spreadsheet on the Data Tab. I choose 16 bit ecu (since mine is 16bit).

Next, I copy and paste my simplified AFR target table into "AFR Target" tab and click on the button "Align and Move Copied Table" button to position the AFR Target table properly.

Then I go to "AFR Interpolate" table to:
- Grab Headers
- Get Data
- Interpolate AFR

Once this is done, I used a spreadsheet developed by Rene from NASIOC to determine the changes needed for my MAF table. How this is done is described here (see the post by Rene2.5RS):

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Whitelined Finally

I went to BMS to install my Whiteline suspension kits yesterday. Here are some photos:

Here's my Roll Center Adjust (Left side view from the front - the yellow portions)

Here's a partial install of my Roll Center Adjust, the upper portion has not been installed yet. (Right side, view from the front)

Here are some of the bushings (squarish and circular gold components) that comes with my anti lift kit:

I've not done my alignment yet but the car feels much stable now although my steeering is not accurate and something seems to be rubbing each other when I am turning. Hopefully all those noises will go away when I've done my alignment.

Will upload more pictures when I do my alignment. BTW, I changed my gearbox oil at the same time. I'm using Kaaz Differential Gear Oil and my gear changes are so much smoother now, especially my 5th gear where the syncro was giving me lots of problems. I hope it stays this way! :-)