If you recall, I'm using mickeyd2005 to perform my MAF Scaling. His recommended steps are:
1. Closed loop range between idle and 60 g/s.
2. Open loop low range using WBO2 and 5th gear logs with about 50% to 70% throttle and WGDC = 0.
3. Open loop middle range using WBO2 and 3rd gear WOT logs and WGDC = 0.
4. Open loop high range using WBO2 and 3rd gear WOT logs with normal WGDC and normal boost levels. For this, I change the arbitrary AFR target to 10.5 to be conservative since MAF is unknown.
5. Change AFR table back to real targets and then make fine adjustments to AFR targets to hit correct AFR based upon rpm and load. MAF scale is never perfect.
6. Do all of the above with one type of fuel.
For the record, I'm doing all of the above using Shall VPower (Malaysia's version). I actually made a mistake and went ahead with Step 3 first. :-( So, now I'm back in Step2 (5th gear logs with 50%-70% throttle).
Note that the objective here is to scale the MAF using near steady state values.
When the MAF is changing rapidly, there are transient effects which aren't always captured due to the low sampling rate of the logger, so we minimize this by setting WGDC to zero.
For open loop fueling, my STFT will be zero and hopefully my LTFT will also be zero. I will need to scale my OL MAF table using my wideband 02 sensor LC-1/LM-1 plus Airboy's spreadsheet by just look at AFRs.
For the Steps 2 ( 5th gear logs with about 50% to 70% throttle and WGDC = 0.
)and 3 (3rd gear WOT logs and WGDC = 0), the following needs to be done first:
1. Fill up MAX WGDC table with zeros (see the screenshot of romraider below):
2. Since I'm runnning an external boost controller (Blitz SBC-ID), I will need to turn it off (luckily there is a setting for this).
For Steps 2&3, I'm scaling my mid-MAF scale. To scale my mid-maf scale I will want mid-value constant maf. In order to get lower maf, I need to lower boost. I can either reduce throttle or just cut boost. Cutting boost is the easiest since I can just do a WOT log with boost.
3. For open loop MAF scaling, it is easier to scale the low-range MAF (60-120 g/s) if the AFR target is lowered in the CL range to something less than 14.7.
Here's my stock AFR target (Primary Open Loop Fueling A)
And here's my simplified AFR target (Primary Open Loop Fueling A):
There's another AFR target table (Primary Open Loop Fueling B) that needs to be amended as well:
All the changes in the Open Loop fueling are also explained in mickeyd2005's thread, I'm repeating them here for my own records.
Now, once those changes are made, I flashed the changes using EcuFlash and start logging the following parameters together with my Innovate LM-1 (these are the same parameters that are used as inputs into Airboy's spreadsheet (see this link for more info on Airboy's spreadsheet)
A/F Sensor #1 (AFR)
Engine Load (Calculated) (g/rev)
Engine Speed (rpm)
Feedback Knock Correction* (degrees)
Fine Learning Knock Correction* (degrees)
IAM (Ignition Advance Multiplier)* (raw ecu value)
Ignition Timing (Total) (degrees)
Injector Duty Cycle (%) Intake Air Temperature (C)
Knock Correction Advance (degrees)
Manifold Relative Pressure (Corrected) (bar)
Mass Airflow Sensor Voltage (V)
Primary Wastegate Duty Cycle (%)
Target Boost* (bar absolute)
Throttle Opening Angle (%)
Vehicle Speed (kph)
LM-1 (AFR)
Next, start logging!!
Once I have a good set of logs, I choose "Import CSV file" into Airboy's spreadsheet on the Data Tab. I choose 16 bit ecu (since mine is 16bit).
Next, I copy and paste my simplified AFR target table into "AFR Target" tab and click on the button "Align and Move Copied Table" button to position the AFR Target table properly.
Then I go to "AFR Interpolate" table to:
- Grab Headers
- Get Data
- Interpolate AFR
Once this is done, I used a spreadsheet developed by Rene from NASIOC to determine the changes needed for my MAF table. How this is done is described here (see the post by Rene2.5RS):
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